KLSM 17B Seminar held in Goa 2017 |
The shipping industry is undergoing constant technical and legislative improvements with upcoming |
KLSM 17A Seminar held in Mumbai 2017 |
K Line Ship Management Group, having the head office in Tokyo, and branches / subsidiaries in Singapore, Manila, Mumbai |
KLSM 16B Seminar held in Goa on 15 & 16 of November 2016 |
K-Line Ship Management (KLSM) held its 16th Annual Seminar in India, 2nd Edition, "Seminar 16B" in Goa on November 15 and 16. |
KLSM 16A Seminar held in Mumbai on 12 & 13 of July 2016 |
'K' Line Ship Management (KLSM) recently held the first chapter of their Annual Seminar, a two-day event, to interact with their valued assets – The Seafarers. |
KLSM 15B Seminar held in Mumbai on 19th & 20th of November 2015 |
Praises Seafarers for 'Zero Observations' at Vetting Inspections, Across the Fleet. |
KLSM 15A Seminar held in Chennai on 13 & 14 of July 2015 |
The 15(A) Chennai Seminar was held this year at MGM Resort on 13th & 14th of July, 2015. |
KLSM 14B Seminar held in Mumbai on 19 & 20 November 2014 |
K Line acclaims its seafarers for another step towards the aim of "Zero Accidents" & Zero Injuries". |
KLSM 14A Seminar held in Chennai on 14 & 15 July 2014 |
The 14(A) Chennai Seminar was held this year at MGM Resort on 14th & 15th of July, 2014. |
NORDIC RIVER" rescued an injured adventurer from Indian Ocean |
One of our managing Ammonia Carrier, M/V "NORDIC RIVER", received an urgent rescue request from RCC Australia at 0150 Local Time on the 11th of July, |
KLSM (Tokyo) Organization changes effective from 01st JULY 2014 |
I would like to inform you of the company board organization changes as per the resolution of Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and Board of Directors Meeting on June 26th 2014. |
KLSM (India) Expands Into Ship Management Business |
KLSM India, proudly announces, that quickly following on the agreement in respect of ship inspection business with “K” Line (India) Pvt Ltd, |
KLSM 13B Seminar Held In Mumbai on 21 & 22 November 2013 |
The KLSM Annual Seminar 13B was held at Hotel Satkar Residency in Thane on 21st and 22nd November, 2013. |
KLSM (INDIA) Enters into Agreement with “K” LINE (INDIA) for Ship Inspection Business |
KLSM (India) is pleased to announce that we have entered into an agreement with “K” Line (India) Pvt. Ltd., |
KLSM 13A Seminar Held In Chennai on 16 & 17 July 2013 |
The 13th (A) annual seminar was held at Chennai, at MGM Resort, on the 16th and 17th July 2013. |
Change Of Command At KLSM INDIA |
In End of March 2013, Capt. Takehiko Ibusuki, C.E.O & M. D. of KLSM INDIA since formation. |
Proud Achievement: MLC 2006 Certification |
Today 12th Dec. 2012, (12.12.12.) was as historic for us as it is for this century. |
KLSM Annual Seminar held in Mumbai 20 & 21 November 12 |
The 12 th (B) annual seminar was held at Mumbai, Ramada Hotel on the 20th and 21st November 2012. |
KLSM Annual Seminar held in Chennai 10 & 11 July ’12 |
The 12 th (A) annual seminar was held at Chennai, Hotel Accord International on the 10th and 11th July 2012. |
KLSM Annual Seminar held in Mumbai 28 & 29 November '11 |
The 11th annual seminar was held at hotel Ramada Powai on the 28th and 29th of Nov 2011. |
KLSM Mumbai KKK President Mr Jiro Asakura Visits On Dussera Day The President of K-Line (KKK, Japan), one of the big 3 in Japan |
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The third and last of 2011 series of "Quality Improvement Session" ( or Mini-Seminar ) with Senior Officers from KLSM Pool was held at Mumbai |
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Having held the first edition of 2011 “Quality Improvement Session” ( or Mini-Seminar ) with Senior Officers from KLSM Pool at Chennai in May, the Second such event was organized at New Delhi on 26/July/2011 at Hyatt Regency. |
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The first edition of 2011 “Quality Improvement Session” ( or Mini-Seminar ) with Senior Officers from KLSM Pool was organized at Chennai on 24/May/2011. |
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Promoting transparency is the key to better understanding between top management and the employees. |
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The second “Senior Officers Quality Improvement Sessions” cum social gathering was held for Western region of India on July 26, 2010 |
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The first “KLSM Mini Seminar” was held for South India region on May 22, 2010 |
KLSM 9th Seminar held in Mumbai, 4th & 5th November '09 |
Panama Consul General Mr. Julio Guardia paid a courtesy visit to KLSM Mumbai office on 1st August 2009. |
KLSM : Promoting excellence
Chennai seminar underlines efficiency & teamwork |
Words from the wise during tough times
Mr. Kuboshima’s Mantra: Focus on Training & Quality |
BOX Treat Retreat
The families of the seminar participants were not confined to the hotel
rooms- in fact they remained very active, mainly outdoors. |
Advocating a
& Steady’
path to attracting and retaining seagoing staff |
Incoming KLSM President’s Message:
“Your problems are our problems” |
To rise rapidly above the safety & quality
standards of the industry is the call of the hour
KLSM President
Mr. S Maeda |
Line Ship Management (India) Pvt Ltd, Mumbai is
proud to announce that we are now an ISO certified
company since 27th August 2007. |
First branch office in Chennai |
"K" Line Ship Management Company (India) Pvt Limited (KLSM India) is steaming full ahead and spreading its wings in to reach areas beyond the shores of Mumbai. |
"Enhanced Safety, Benefitting Performance", K Line says |
Praises Seafarers for ‘Zero Observations’ at Vetting Inspections, Across the Fleet.
[Mumbai, November 20] ‘Safety’, which is so centric to ship operations, it has become the core topic for the industry today. But are our seafarers really implementing safety measures while working on board.
With technological advancements, updating, upgrading and training of seafarers are vital. Working towards this worthy goal, K Line Ship Management (KLSM) recently conducted a 2-day seminar for their sailing staff at the lavish Hotel The Lalit, Mumbai. Held on the 19th and 20th of November, the seminar aimed to focus on safety- broadening its scope and to shift KLSM to a more holistic safety approach.
The seminar opened with a warm welcome by Capt T Saito, President, KLSM, who concentrated on the theme ‘Enhanced Safety, Benefitting Performance’. He thanked the seafarer-delegates for their continuous efforts and contribution towards safe practices for avoiding injury, and for achieving ‘zero observations’ in many vetting inspections across the fleet. |
He opined that the shipping industry would always have to balance safety with other priorities. However, safety has always been a priority, without exception. He felt that in managing safety, individual competence and behaviour would always remain the key element. “Safety is embedded in the culture of KLSM. This organisation has always given priority to safety procedures on board and stressed on zero accidents,” said Capt Saito.
Capt. Saito proudly informed the gathering about the expansion plans at KLSM that would materialize in the near future.
KLSM, a global leading ship management company, has always focused on having, and nurturing, the 'safety culture' on its ships. The KLSM’s safety culture is unique in nature and based on five key elements Leadership, Attitude, Commitment, Competency and Policies. These fundamentals are their beliefs, way of thinking, and customs that are shared and accepted by the people at KLSM.
It insists on keeping its seafarers abreast of all the safety measures that need to be practiced to ensure a safe voyage. |
Capt Otsuda from KLSM Tokyo discussed with the audience on the topic of ‘Working & Rest hours’. While summarizing reports of recent observations related to work and rest periods he explained the importance of the work and rest hour routine that a seafarer should follow.
The topic of ‘Vetting Inspection Observations’ was covered by an experienced senior external speaker from an established Tanker Vetting company, which was well received by all the delegates. He deliberated on the inspector’s perspective, while conducting inspection and their expectation from the ships. He explained the need to be courteous and polite during any inspection but never be afraid to challenge the inspector, if there is any disagreement to his view point. He then illustrated the importance of keeping the vessel ready for inspection all the time by discussing recent vetting observations, their risk, and the effect of vetting inspections on the company scorecard. The delegates were given time to discuss their points with respect to vetting inspections, which were gladly, and aptly, addressed to by the external speaker.
Another very important topic covered during the session was STCW 2010 and its implementation by India. This was presented by Capt Mahesh Yadav, Director, Maritime Education and Training, FOSMA, who highlighted important regulations and the latest STCW implementation. An interactive session on the topic was much appreciated by seafarers as it gave them the right platform to clear their queries & doubts on the topic. |
Later during the day, "Equipment Failure", a Reflective learning Workshop, was organized by Capt. Rele. Reflective learning is a practice where one becomes an 'Active Learner', various tools like videos, face to face discussions, demonstration, and past experiences are used. This helps in remembering lessons learnt for a longer period as compared to the regular 'Passive Learning' (Just reading like text books) where one tends to forget lessons learnt, in shorter span of time. |
In late afternoon the audience was divided into two groups - Deck and Engine - and separate specialized sessions were conducted for each group. Capt. Juvale, along with Capt. Bhaumik, took up various case studies to explain to the deck officers the important topic of ECDIS Implementation and VDR analysis. Mr Iwaki (General Manager - KLSM Tokyo) took up case studies on machinery incident investigation. A well-organized workshop witnessed enthusiastic participation from all. |
The second day of the seminar kicked off with a motivating session conducted by Capt. Bhaumik, who dealt with emergency procedures & conducted a TTX Exercise. This team building exercise provided exposure, and knowledge to the officers, about what goes on in a real life difficult situation, and how to manage it. Different teams were formed, which often provided interesting answers to the given mock situations. This was perfect opportunity for the seafarers on leave, to participate in an Emergency Exercise in large numbers, and enhance their understanding of emergency preparedness. |
Capt. Bhaumik then presented an interesting session on ‘Media Workshop’. This session included questions from Media Personnel, who put obstacles before the Teams engrossed in handling an emergency situation. The work shop was based on live interviews with simulated media, video shooting, broadcast and playback of interview for the review. There was active participation by the delegates and eye opening experience for young officers too.
Next was a detailed session on ‘Injury Prevention’ by Capt. Rele, who summarized past injury cases and lessons, learnt from them, especially with regard to the precautions to be taken to avoid such accidents. Taking this ahead, Capt. Juvale organized a workshop on ‘Incident investigation’. He explained the procedures to do this, summarizing past events for better understanding. |
Popular at the seminar was Capt. Jaswinder Parhar, a sailing Master, who shared on-board experiences with the delegates, particularly talking about use of Information Technology (IT) at sea. Later, Mr Chandrakant Bhamare, Chief Engineer, spoke of his journey at KLSM. |
There was an open forum conducted at the end of the seminar. This session gave seafarers an opportunity to express their views, opinions, grievances and suggestions and interact with KLSM’s senior management. Officers could clear their doubts, raise their views and be heard.
The seminar closed with concluding remarks by Capt. Shoji Fukuda, (Managing Director, KLSM Singapore) and Capt. Koji Higashijima (CEO and MD, KLSM India), both of whom appreciated the efforts of all seafarers on ships. |
Adding extra excitement to the seminar was the honor of long service awards conferred on a few select KLSMites. The company has a legacy of crediting its employees in this manner for the long efforts they put in. It was indeed a proud moment for both - the seafarers and the Company.
A gala night of cocktails & dinner for officers and their families on both days added color to the seminar. KLSM feels this is the best way to get to know the seafarers’ families, who they feel are also a part of KLSM’s extended family. |