K Line Ship Management (India)
KLSM 17B Seminar held in Goa 2017
The shipping industry is undergoing constant technical and legislative improvements with upcoming
KLSM 17A Seminar held in Mumbai 2017
K Line Ship Management Group, having the head office in Tokyo, and branches / subsidiaries in Singapore, Manila, Mumbai
KLSM 16B Seminar held in Goa on 15 & 16 of November 2016
K-Line Ship Management (KLSM) held its 16th Annual Seminar in India, 2nd Edition, "Seminar 16B" in Goa on November 15 and 16.
KLSM 16A Seminar held in Mumbai on 12 & 13 of July 2016
'K' Line Ship Management (KLSM) recently held the first chapter of their Annual Seminar, a two-day event, to interact with their valued assets – The Seafarers.
KLSM 15B Seminar held in Mumbai on 19th & 20th of November 2015
Praises Seafarers for 'Zero Observations' at Vetting Inspections, Across the Fleet.
KLSM 15A Seminar held in Chennai on 13 & 14 of July 2015
The 15(A) Chennai Seminar was held this year at MGM Resort on 13th & 14th of July, 2015.
KLSM 14B Seminar held in Mumbai on 19 & 20 November 2014
K Line acclaims its seafarers for another step towards the aim of "Zero Accidents" & Zero Injuries".
KLSM 14A Seminar held in Chennai on 14 & 15 July 2014
The 14(A) Chennai Seminar was held this year at MGM Resort on 14th & 15th of July, 2014.
NORDIC RIVER" rescued an injured adventurer from Indian Ocean
One of our managing Ammonia Carrier, M/V "NORDIC RIVER", received an urgent rescue request from RCC Australia at 0150 Local Time on the 11th of July,
KLSM (Tokyo) Organization changes effective from 01st JULY 2014
I would like to inform you of the company board organization changes as per the resolution of Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and Board of Directors Meeting on June 26th 2014.
KLSM (India) Expands Into Ship Management Business
KLSM India, proudly announces, that quickly following on the agreement in respect of ship inspection business with “K” Line (India) Pvt Ltd,
KLSM 13B Seminar Held In Mumbai on 21 & 22 November 2013
The KLSM Annual Seminar 13B was held at Hotel Satkar Residency in Thane on 21st and 22nd November, 2013.
KLSM (INDIA) Enters into Agreement with “K” LINE (INDIA) for Ship Inspection Business
KLSM (India) is pleased to announce that we have entered into an agreement with “K” Line (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
KLSM 13A Seminar Held In Chennai on 16 & 17 July 2013
The 13th (A) annual seminar was held at Chennai, at MGM Resort, on the 16th and 17th July 2013.
Change Of Command At KLSM INDIA
In End of March 2013, Capt. Takehiko Ibusuki, C.E.O & M. D. of KLSM INDIA since formation.
Proud Achievement: MLC 2006 Certification
Today 12th Dec. 2012, (12.12.12.) was as historic for us as it is for this century.
KLSM Annual Seminar held in Mumbai 20 & 21 November 12
The 12 th (B) annual seminar was held at Mumbai, Ramada Hotel on the 20th and 21st November 2012.
KLSM Annual Seminar held in Chennai 10 & 11 July ’12
The 12 th (A) annual seminar was held at Chennai, Hotel Accord International on the 10th and 11th July 2012.
KLSM Annual Seminar held in Mumbai 28 & 29 November '11
The 11th annual seminar was held at hotel Ramada Powai on the 28th and 29th of Nov 2011.
KLSM Mumbai KKK President Mr Jiro Asakura Visits On Dussera Day The President of K-Line (KKK, Japan), one of the big 3 in Japan
The third and last of 2011 series of "Quality Improvement Session" ( or Mini-Seminar ) with Senior Officers from KLSM Pool was held at Mumbai
Having held the first edition of 2011 “Quality Improvement Session” ( or Mini-Seminar ) with Senior Officers from KLSM Pool at Chennai in May, the Second such event was organized at New Delhi on 26/July/2011 at Hyatt Regency.
The first edition of 2011 “Quality Improvement Session” ( or Mini-Seminar ) with Senior Officers from KLSM Pool was organized at Chennai on 24/May/2011.
Promoting transparency is the key to better understanding between top management and the employees.
The second “Senior Officers Quality Improvement Sessions” cum social gathering was held for Western region of India on July 26, 2010
The first “KLSM Mini Seminar” was held for South India region on May 22, 2010
KLSM 9th Seminar held in Mumbai, 4th & 5th November '09
Panama Consul General Mr. Julio Guardia paid a courtesy  visit to KLSM Mumbai  office  on 1st August 2009.

KLSM : Promoting excellence Chennai seminar underlines efficiency & teamwork


Words from the wise during tough times
Mr. Kuboshima’s Mantra: Focus on Training & Quality


BOX Treat Retreat
The families of the seminar participants were not confined to the hotel
rooms- in fact they remained very active, mainly outdoors.

Advocating a
     ‘Slow & Steady’
path to attracting and retaining seagoing staff
  Incoming KLSM President’s Message: “Your problems are our problems”
To rise rapidly above the safety & quality standards of the industry is the call of the hour
KLSM President Mr. S Maeda
"K" Line Ship Management (India) Pvt Ltd, Mumbai is proud to announce that we are now an ISO certified company since 27th August 2007.
First branch office in Chennai
"K" Line Ship Management Company (India) Pvt Limited (KLSM India) is steaming full ahead and spreading its wings in to reach areas beyond the shores of Mumbai.
Photo Gallery

The KLSM Annual Seminar 13B was held at Hotel Satkar Residency in Thane on 21st and 22nd November, 2013. The ambience, facilities, food, hygiene, and location of this Hotel, were found to be value for money in these difficult times, although the Brand Value may not be as much as earlier venue.

The event was kicked off by the President Mr. S. Kuboshima San after customary introduction of the Management and the attendees was carried out. In his opening speech, thanked one and all for the continuous support to the company in the difficult times. He further spoke about the continuing economic crisis, and the steps taken by the company to mitigate the same. He expressed his condolences for the lives lost in Philippines, who were hit hard by the typhoon, and also the Earthquake, both natural disasters that have recently occurred in Philippines and have caused extensive losses and damage to life and property. He appreciated the continuous support from all quarters, despite the unfortunate incidents and competitive challenges the company has faced. He further informed that K-Line is planning to install V-sat in order to provide internet facilities to all seafarers sailing onboard. He concluded his speech by requesting the continued support, and hopes for a bright future for K-Line family.

The President’s opening speech was followed by a presentation by Capt H. Otsuda San ( CWG Group Leader, KLSM Tokyo ), who described the ongoing implementation of the CMS (Competence Management System), and it’s present status with regard to implementation deadlines.

A Group Photograph was taken at the Tea Break thereafter.

The next session had the presentations by Capt. S. B. Rele ( CSO, KLSM Tokyo ), who spoke about Counter Piracy and Robbery, and by Capt. Amit Bhattacharya ( QSHE Manager, KLSM Singapore ), who spoke about the challenges faced whilst Navigating in Chinese Waters. He emphasized on this, with a case study from our fleet. A presentation by Mr. T. Fukuzawa San ( CTSI, KLSM Tokyo ) covered Machinery Incidents and investigation of case studies to enlighten the audience and share the lessons learnt from those incidents, with a view to reach the target of Zero Accidents & Zero Injuries.

A brief question/answer session followed, after which everyone headed for lunch.

The presentations on implementation of STCW 2010, and MLC 2006, by Capt M.C.Yadav ( Director, FOSMA ) were the highlight of the post lunch session. The interaction that followed the presentations, was very lively as all the doubts concerning requirements of Training Courses were raised by delegates, and were clarified in great detail by Capt Yadav. A memento was presented to Capt Yadav, by the President Kuboshima San and MD/GM Capt T. Saito San, as a token of appreciation of his valuable time from his busy schedule, for our Seminar, just like he has been doing for the past several years.

Presentation by Capt I. A. Juvale, on the subject of Hazard Identification and Injury Prevention, and the workshop thereafter, led to the afternoon tea break.

After the Tea Break, the delegates branched out into two different groups - one attending the presentation by Capt Rajan Mathur concerning the implementation of CMS, and by Capt. P. N. Bhaumik concerning recent case study on Anchor Fouling. And the other group gaining from presentation by Fukuzawa San (GL-QCG) on Machinery Incident and Case Studies from the Fleet in another room.

Everyone regrouped only at 1900 hrs, for cocktails and dinner. An enjoyable evening followed, with much camaraderie and socializing amongst the delegates and the families present.

A new day, and the 2nd one for the seminar dawned on 22nd Nov, began with a table top exercise planned out by Capt. S. Rele, CSO. It was brilliantly executed and everyone participated with their hearts and souls. There was not much difference between a real exercise and this one at the seminar such was the enthusiasm and active participation.

The Tea Break after the exercise was an extension of the hectic activities taking place earlier, because the excitement had not reduced and discussions went on over a cup of tea. Capt Mathur made a presentation on Adverse Weather Damages, Causes, and Avoidance, at post-tea session, followed by Capt Bhaumik giving his presentation on the topic of Preparations for Vetting Inspections, and target of Zero Observations – which was the topic being discussed by everyone during the Lunch Break.

The innovative inclusion of a discussion, on the topic of overregulation in the Shipping Industry -- whether it had enhanced safety or it had become a burden – conducted by Capt Sunil Bhadsavle, kept the drowsiness away in the post lunch session. Capt Bhadsavle conducted the debate very well, with well balanced arguments and moderation techniques. The debate was very lively, and interesting.

The job of turning down the excitement was then performed by Mr Deepak Seth (Fleet Manager, KLSM Singapore), with his presentation on Economic Slow Steaming, then Capt Amar Galliara gave his presentation on ISF Software vis-à-vis MLC 2006 – which was more of a discussion on the proper use of ISF Software on board, in order to avoid deficiencies and detentions. Parched throats after the debates and discussions made a quick exit to Tea Break, the moment it was announced.

The tea break was followed by sharing of onboard experiences by Senior Master Capt. S. Mukherjee and 1Ae Mr. Vinaykumar Shailar, both highlighting their satisfaction levels with KLSM, having served the Company for more than a decade each.

The “Open Forum” that followed, brought forth some issues which were answered and clarified by Capt S.K.Goyal, and by senior management from Tokyo / Singapore. This followed the customary speeches from the Senior Management, and visiting dignitaries from Tokyo & Singapore offices. Capt. K. Takeuchi San (MHRG KKK), Capt. A. Nakanami San (CMSI, KLSM Tokyo), Capt. S. Fukuda San (Director, KLSM Singapore), the ever popular Capt. T. Ibusuki San (Former CEO KLSM India, now Director KLSM Tokyo) - all of whom expressed their sincere thanks and appreciation to the participants as well as the KLSM India staff for their well executed Seminar.

After the speeches, various awards such as the Cooperation Award, Loyalty awards were presented by Capt. T. Ibusuki San and Capt. T. Saito San to various awardees.

KLSM India & Indian Seafarers joined hands together, and collected a sizeable sum as Donation for the people of Philippines, who have been badly hurt by Cyclone and Earthquake. The same was handed over to Capt. Nakanishi San by CEO & MD Of KLSM India, Capt. Koji Higashijima San.

The concluding vote of thanks was given by Capt. Koji Higashijima san, who in his usual jovial manner thanked one and all for their presence and bid an adieu to the seminar and all who would soon depart that evening or the next day.

Indeed, a fitting conclusion of one more successful seminar by KLSM India. As usual, on the penultimate day, the final round of cocktails, socializing and dinner followed.


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