K Line Ship Management (India)
DISCLAIMER:- We have become aware of the fraudulent issuance of job offer letters, misusing our company name. This is a fraud that involves criminals, who are using our name to contact jobseekers with fictitious job opportunities. They have created and used non-company email id such as Gmail, and duping the innocent and unsuspecting jobseekers of large sums of money. Please be advised that K-Line Ship Management (India, Singapore and Tokyo), and its bona-fide manning partners K-Steamship Agencies, never charge money to seafarers for recruitment services. If you suspect that you have been contacted by these criminals, do not provide any personal information, documentation or money. All seafarers interested in employment with KLSM should ensure that they establish direct contact with us, or with our bona-fide manning partners.
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Course Category Duration Start Date End Date Mode of Conduct Course Brochure Click to Apply
SIRE 2.0 Training, Basic General 1 29-07-2024 29-07-2024 Online Apply for Course
KYT Course, Basic HSSE 1 30-07-2024 30-07-2024 Online Apply for Course
IT & Cyber Security training (Online training) External 2 30-07-2024 31-07-2024 Online More Info Apply for Course
Environmental Management System [EMS] HSSE 1 31-07-2024 31-07-2024 Online Apply for Course
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